


Boyer & Ritter understands the dealership world inside and out.  We offer a regional presence, national reputation, and client-endorsed expertise to over 400 dealerships in the Mid-Atlantic region.  Our experience, connections, and specialized knowledge uniquely position us to assist you in your success, overcome challenges, and highlight new ideas.   No other firm can match our expertise in our market!

Dealership Map

Pins represent one or more dealerships in a given location.

In addition to providing typical tax and financial reporting services, we often assist with valuations, acquisitions and sales, succession strategies, process improvement, and internal controls to name a few. 

Boyer & Ritter's highly experienced team includes approximately 20 full-time dedicated professionals, including four who bring in-house dealership experience. We work closely with NADA and PAA on advocacy and education efforts impacting the industry. Additionally, Boyer & Ritter is a founding member of the AutoCPA Group, the oldest nationwide 20 Group of CPA firms specializing in servicing automobile dealerships throughout the United States and Canada (collectively representing approximately 2,000 dealers). Check out the AutoCPA Group newsletter, Headlights, as well as other articles impacting dealers in the tabs above.

Consulting Services We Offer to Dealerships Include:

  • Cost Segregation Studies
  • Partial Asset Dispositions
  • Tangible Property Regulations
  • Business Valuations & Consulting
  • Estate and Liquidity Planning
  • Process Improvement and
    Internal Controls
  • M&A including locating buyers and sellers
  • Buy/Sells
  • Payplans
  • Deferred Compensation Plans
  • Strategic Planning
  • Litigation Support

Core Services To Dealerships:

  • Independently Reviewed Financial Statements
  • Income Tax Compliance & Planning
  • Operational Consulting
  • Budgets/Forecasts/Benchmarks
  • LIFO Annual Computation



  • When state governments forced dealerships to close because of the COVID-19 pandemic, Boyer & Ritter immediately started working with NADA and the PAA to help dealers learn what government assistance was available. We realized dealers needed specific advice on how to apply and use crucial Payroll Protection Program loans. Partnering with a New England-based accounting firm, we created the “PPP Loan Forgiveness Workbook,” a free guide downloaded more than 50,000 times to date. The guide helps dealerships – and other businesses – not only obtain a PPP loan but also effectively use and track the money to maximize forgiveness.
  • When the National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA) needed a subject matter expert to assist in educating the United States Congress on the role of floorplan financing in dealership operations and the potentially catastrophic impact a limited tax deduction could create, they called Boyer & Ritter to offer first-hand testimony and industry background to ensure the floorplan carve-out was included in the 2017 TCJA.NADA Cover TCJA
  • When NADA needed a CPA firm to create “A Dealer Guide to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017”, they called Boyer & Ritter to co-author the guide.
  • When the Pennsylvania Automotive Association (PAA) was asking the Board of Vehicles in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to increase the maximum amount that a dealer in the state can charge as a doc fee, they called on Boyer & Ritter to prepare an independent analysis of the Estimated Costs to Comply with the relevant code section, resulting in a 171% ($245) increase to the doc fee for all dealers in the state.
  • We are a founding member of the AutoCPA Group, the oldest nationwide 20 group of CPA firms specializing in servicing dealerships throughout the United States and Canada (1,700+ dealers). In addition, we are active members in many industry associations, including Pennsylvania Automotive Association and Maryland Automobile Dealers Association. We are frequently asked by NADA to assist with advocacy projects on behalf of the industry.

News & Events




View recordings of previous webinars.

Headlights Newsletter

Headlights Newsletter

Headlights banner AutoCPA Group

Download PDF issues of Headlights, a seasonal newsletter publication produced by AutoCPA Group.

Boyer & Ritter is a founding member of the AutoCPA Group, the oldest nationwide 20 Group of CPA firms specializing in servicing automobile dealerships throughout the United States and Canada (over 1,700 dealers).

Headlights Autumn 2024 (PDF)

Headlights Summer 2024 (PDF)

Headlights NADA 2024 (PDF)

Headlights Winter 2024 (PDF)

Headlights Autumn 2023 (PDF)

Headlights Summer 2023 (PDF)

Headlights – NADA 2023 edition (PDF)

Headlights Winter 2023 (PDF)

Headlights Autumn 2022 (PDF)

Headlights Spring/Summer 2022 (PDF)

Headlights - NADA 2022 Edition (PDF)

Headlights Winter 2022 (PDF)

Headlights Fall 2021 (PDF)

Headlights Spring/Summer 2021 (PDF)

Headlights Winter 2021 (PDF)

Headlights Fall 2020 (PDF)

Headlights Summer 2020 (PDF)

Headlights – NADA 2020 edition (PDF)

Headlights Winter 2020 (PDF)

Headlights Autumn 2019 (PDF)

To request a printed copy of Headlights by mail, please email to be added to our mailing list.

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